A collection of TypeScript utils functions with no external dependencies.
This is a personal collection of utility functions written in TypeScript. This library is free from external dependencies. Every utils can be copy/paste to different project with the guarantee to work as-is.
The project is split in domain modules. You'll find every utils functions for string
manipulation under the string module, number
under the number module and so on.
I'm applying a strict level of typing. Check out my tsconfig and my eslint config files.
Prior to everything, a git pre-push hook takes care of running essentials check before proceding to push. This allow early catch of errors and faster iterations.
The project contains 3 CI/CD workflows:
Tests CI: is a CI workflow that is responsible of running the unit tests (jest). After what a coverage report is issued and then uploaded to codecov.
This workflow runs whenever a new utilitary function is added to the project and pushed to the main
GH-Pages CD: is a CD workflow that is responsible of deploying the static website for documentation. The documentation is hosted on Github Pages. This workflow runs only upon successful completion of the Tests CI one.
Infra Stack CD: is a CD workflow that is responsible of deploying an AWS Stack with Cloudformation (IaC solution).
This workflow runs in standalone, everytime a change is made to the stack.yml config file and pushed to the main
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